Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Today at 10am the Old Geezer's Group meet at the Winery, we will be taking a plaque for our deceased friend Greg and putting it up in the mountains, a place that Greg gave us all quite a fright, that totaled his quad, but then gave us untold memories an laughs of his escapade. We lost Greg to a heart attack last January but he will always live in our memories and forever will ride with the Old Geezer's Group. Anyone that wants to join us today is more than welcome, just show up at the Winery at 10am. Don't be sad, Greg wouldn't have liked that, come enjoy, remember our friend, hell, bring a beer if you like, now that Greg would have liked.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Friday, May 10, 2013
Sandy Valley Lunch Run
We had a total of 9 rigs meet up at the end of Homestead and ride to Sandy Valley for lunch. Everything went smooth as smooth can be until almost back. Then it was kinda a turn we shouldn't have made then another, then the dusty silt ride from Hell, led by Emmett. Just look at the pics and see what I mean. Luckily for Linda she turned of early for home and missed this last bit of tomfoolery.

Thursday, May 9, 2013
Sandy Valley Lunch run
I hear rumors that some of the guys are getting together this Friday. Meet at the end of Homestead Ave 9am and ride to Sandy Valley, have lunch, then back to Pahrump.
Monday, May 6, 2013
I was very proud of our Old Geezer's Group this past Saturday as 8 showed up to help "Gifts for Warriors" put on by the Pioneer Saloon in Goodsprings, Nv. BUT, unfortunately it turned out the only things they planned to help was themselves. We sat there for over 8 hours, no wounded warriors, no helping or charity, it was all about the Pioneer Saloon selling $5.00 beer and $10.00 hamburgers to a bunch of bikers. The car show was a joke, by 4 oclock when we left, there was no truck show, chili cookoff was a joke. I thank the guys from the Old Geezer's Group that pulled their rigs more than 100 miles roundtrip to help out and all I can say to my guys is don't worry, we won't get screwed like that again.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Fund raising project for 911 Remembrance
I am taking the 911 Remembrance Tribute Trucks to Goodsprings "GiftsforWarriors" car show this coming weekend, May 4 & 5. They will also be giving off-road vehicle rides to Wounded Warriors and their families. I would like to have any of the Old Geezer's Group that would like to participate to come to Goodsprings on Saturday morning and spend the day giving rides and helping sell merchandise for 911 Remembrance. If you want to help, give Ron a call. We'll probably leave Pahrump around 7am or 8am.
Here is the schedule of events for the two days.
Saturday May 4th Events
All Day Events SATURDAY - Live Entertainment & 8th Annual Chili Cook-Off & Bluegrass Festival, Appearance by Congressman Heck, and County Commissioner Susan Brager, ATV Rentals and FREE ATV rides for active military provided by "Above All Las Vegas ATV Tours & Watercraft Rentals".
9:00 - 11:00 Registration (Raffle & 50/50 tickets go on sale)
11:00 Blackjack Run Take off to Sandy Valley & Back, deadline to return is 1:00pm
1:00 Vehicles set up for show judging.
2:00 Off-Road Run to Mountain Springs for non show entries, Live entertainment by Dashing Rouge!
2:00 Judging begins
4:30 Judging ends
4:30 Winner of Blackjack Run awarded $250 Cash, $300 Keg Party*and Trophy
5:00 Winners are announced in all classes, prizes awarded (1st Place each class $300 Keg Party, and trophy, 2nd, & 3rd trophy)
5:15 Raffles Begin
7:00 50/50 Drawing and the Party Continues
Sunday May 5th Events
All Day Events SUNDAY - Live Entertainment - Beer Pong Tables - ATV Rentals and FREE ATV rides for active military provided by "Above All Las Vegas ATV Tours & Watercraft Rentals".
9:00 - 11:00 Registration (if not already registered)Raffle Tickets & 50/50 Tickets go on sale.
11:00 Blackjack Run Take off to Nipton, CA and back (Free Lunch in Nipton) deadline to return is 2:00 pm.
2:00 Finalist for Vehicle of the Show (includes all classes) set up for final Judging.
2:30 Winner Announced Winner of Blackjack Run will be announced and awarded $250 Cash, $300 Keg Party*and Trophy.
3:00 4x4 Truck Off-Road Truck Run to Mountain Springs begins. Three Blind Mice performing at Mountain Springs from 1:00 - 5:00 pm.
3:00 Judging Begins for Vehicle of Show
4:00 Judging Ends
5:00 Winner of Vehicle of Show will be presented with Trophy.
5:15 Raffles Begin
6:00 50/50 Drawing is done.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Today we rode from Trout Canyon thru Lovell Canyon and then to Red Rock. We had 13 rigs and only 1 didn't go all the way, bailed out at the Rock Garden and caught a ride with one of the other guys, picked his rig up on the way back. Seems Mick needs to adjust the shock springs as it seems to be set too low. I think JD is going to help him with that on Sunday. There was a bus load of French Canadian kids at Red Rock. 

Thursday, April 25, 2013
Tomorrow morning (Friday 4/26/2013) we are having a run to Red Rock Canyon. Meet at Trout Canyon Rd and Hiway 160, we'll be unloaded and pulling out at 9am. Emmett call this one, so Emmett should be leading, if not someone else will lead. Bring lunch, bring drinks, we'll eat at Red Rock, make sure your full of fuel.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Emmet is back
This afternoon most of us found out that Emmett finally replaced his quad. At 11:00am we decided to ride with Em for an hour or so, break back in, not to be confused with Brokeback Mountain (Sorry John). 8 rigs showed up at 1:30pm and we rode up to the mine and back. Em looked rusty, LOL.

Thursday, January 10, 2013
Can't believe it's been so long since updating the OGG Blog. Anyway, now it's 2013, I crashed my atv, no permanent damage, but Karan said "get something with a roll cage", so I did, a Kawasaki Teryx. Today John is over picking up his new Polaris RZR, it's really not new, it's a 2011, but it's new to him. Larry is here now, as is Jerry, Jack didn't make it down this year. We have some new riders, most with side by sides. Next time out I'll try to get some pics and post em.
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